That old saying is really true: if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. 

Be a person who has strong values, and then stick to those values. Courage isn’t something you see only in Bruce Willis movies. It’s a down-to-earth virtue that men need in order to be good husbands, fathers, and citizens. If you believe in something, sooner or later that belief will be challenged. That’s where courage comes in.

Courage is telling the truth when company profits are on the line. Courage is providing for your family by going to work every day, even when you don’t feel like going. Courage is raising positive kids in a negative world. Courage is being a man of God in a world that scoffs at faith and values. Courage is standing for what’s right, even when it’s not popular.

Who is the most courageous man I know? He’s the guy who lives his faith, no matter what: He’s the billionaire that bounced: The man that takes bold steps and dare the impossible. He’s the man thinks outside the box.

You are what you stand for.”

Toler, Stan

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