Knowing your business limitations is one of the greatest achievements of any start-up entrepreneur and sometimes, a struggling business owner. Having oneself to conquer one’s limitations can be a big achievement. Although so many people cannot identify their limitations let alone, mentioning to conquer them.  

Conquering limitations requires fierce determination and tenacity (not stubbornness) backed up with action. Unfortunately, many young entrepreneurs don’t even know the limitations facing them and are not ready to pay the big prices for their conquest; change in thoughts, behavior, habits, attitude, and more.

The world does not put faith in the unseen, you must prove yourself. The world will not give you accolade without confirming your worth. The world will not let you into the spotlight without your conscious effort (directly or indirectly) to be there. The world imposes the following limitations on you and you need to turn them around.

1.       The world will only place a bet on you when you have placed a bet on yourself
2.       A good start does not imply a good finish
3.       Your future is in your drive
4.       Your potential is not enough
5.       Your talent is not enough either
6.       Success means you have to keep on proving yourself from one level to another
7.       Don’t feel discouraged when people don’t believe in your ideas at the start. Take it as a challenge to prove your worth.
8.       Success has plenty relatives
9.       At the beginning, discouragement will come
10.        The world will only associate and celebrate with you when you prove your worth; people want to gain something from associating with you.

These are your limitations especially for a starting entrepreneur. Learn to rationalize and not be bitter in order to survive them. Learn to forgive and love people as you make your way to the top.

Concentrate your energy on proving yourself, and not proving a point. Don’t be distracted. You must be focused. You must succeed at what you do. Entrepreneurship is only worth it when you succeed. Give it your best shot.

Develop yourself continually; you need intellectual capacity and strength. You cannot rise above the level of your intellect; and where you do, you will not be able to sustain it. You need tenacity and inner conviction also.

Excellence is not an option. Be excellent! You need excellence to win. You are fighting against daunting environmental and socio-cultural challenges, as well as your limitations. It’s up to you, to win and prove your worth.

I wish you the best overcoming your limitations and succeeding.

Also read: 100 Things Leke taught Me, The Lagos Molue, Sex and Business, Knowing yourLimitations  and Profit and Loss Analysis.

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1 comment:

  1. You can add to these limitations if you have any for more entrepreneurs to benefit.


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