How to succeed as a fashion intern

It’s fashion season, and we are just about as excited as you are. From front row glitz to back stage dramas and glamorous catwalks, we cannot just contain our excitement. Yaaaaaaay!

Interning can be a little scary at times, you feel out of your depth amongst the revered professionals and well, it might just toy with your self-confidence a little bit. Interning in the fashion industry can be quite daunting, trust me, I have been there, done that.

Being a fashion intern is not as glamorous as it sounds. Sure there’s the fun part of it and the opportunity to meet amazing people in the industry. You have access to backstage at fashion shows, the after parties and all that. However, it is pure hard work and requires total commitment. It’s not something you just waltz into halfheartedly.

So, here are a few tips to help you pull off that intern job successfully.

Be a Stickler for Details
You can achieve this by paying close attention to instructions being given. Take notes, clarify what you don’t understand and carry out your instructions to the letter. Prove yourself by not mixing things up.

Have the Right Tools
On the off chance that you’re not provided with basic staples like a notepad or pens, a voice recorder and things like that, go prepared. Have whatever you think you might need available.

Know Your Facts 
Yeah, you know there’s a designer called Tsemaye Binitie, but do you know if the person is male or female? Huh? Say what? You’re not sure? Oh.

Sarcasm flows freely than a stream in this industry, get your facts right. Google should be your best friend. Research, research and then research some more. You don’t want to look stupid in front of people.

Be a Quick Thinker
When you find yourself in a tight spot, always think on your feet and improvise. Do not always wait to be told what to do. Prove yourself by being proactive and proffering solutions to problems.

Have an Outgoing Personality
Nobody likes a snob and being quiet and shy is not exactly the right attitude for the fashion industry. Be friendly and open. Learn to socialise and make contacts within your chosen industry.

Be Eager to Learn
A haughty attitude won’t get you far. I don’t think this needs any explaining. Remember pride goes before a fall.

Be Curious 
Do not be afraid to ask questions when you do not understand something. This might get you yelled at (at least I got yelled at sometimes), but it’s better to seek clarification than making some huge blunder that might even cost you the internship.

Make Friends with Other Interns
Gossip spreads like wildfire here – good or bad. By keeping to yourself, you do not get to know what’s happening. Interact with other interns from other areas in the industry, you may get valuable information, or find out new and better opportunities elsewhere.

Dress Right
Come on, it is called the fashion industry for a reason. Remember, dress how you want to be addressed. Sloppy dressing is a big no no. Dress for the part. For example, if you are going to be back stage chasing models and designers, wearing heels and dressing like you’re walking the runway will be to your own detriment. Also, if you’re going to be seated front row à la Anna Winter, please do take out the time to dress accordingly.

P.S. Did I forget to mention learn to multitask?

Written by Elohor Omonemu -

Photo CreditKatarzyna Bialasiewicz |

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