Believe in your dreams

How can you achieve your dreams
Are you a dreamer like me? Can we share our worlds?

Okay, what is your dream about? Is it an adventure around the world, to own and live on your island in the Caribbean, to become one of the world's richest men Forbes rate, to take philanthropy to Africa, or maybe winning an Oscar Award? Regardless of what your dreams are about, these tips will help you achieve them. I have always believed in my personal dreams, and they are getting to see the day one after the other.

How can you achieve your dreams

I am only able to birth some of my dreams because I have grown to know how to nurse and nurture them. I have a set of personal tips that have worked for me, and I hope they will work for you. Here are some of the reasons and tips that have made some of my dreams come alive.

1. Dreams make life fun and exciting
When you hold on to an idea on a good day, your life will be very refreshing. And when you hold on to a similar dream on a bad day, your life will still have meaning and impact. So, dreams give our lives meaning. Hold on to your dreams and nurture them as much as possible, they will become a milestone when you eventually birth them. We have many dreams that are people's lives today; thank God they did not give up when the chips were down.

2. You will move others never to forget about their significance
What a mark you will set for others to follow if you birth your dream? You can become that great inventor that you have always dreamt of, a doctor, or a business mogul. Keep your dreams close by for you need just an opportunity to showcase it to the world and it will get its life and start working out on its own. I firmly believe in dreams, and I have seen many of mine and those of mentors and mentees, drop and began to itself out. Don't give up now.

3. You can do it yourself
If you are not very confident about your dream, read up and research some more. Get to meet someone that have gone ahead of you, a mentor, a dream multiplier like me, a coach. Talk to someone about it that will build your confidence in the dream and give it a chance of getting a life. I know how much value you can get when you have friends and family that are deep thinkers, broad researchers, gurus and Master Minds in the way they think and live. Look for someone among these people and get to talk to and build that confidence for your dreams.

4. You can prove dream killers and critics wrong
Did I mention that you will meet critics and dream killers? Yes, you will meet them on your path to birthing your dreams. Try not to give them a chance to put you off your dreams. Turn the tables away from them, have confidence in yourself and move on. If they do not help you with your dream, they should not help kill it either.

A dream is a step above one's aspirations

5. Your dreams will make you feel unbelievably high
Why not have faith in your dreams, if dreaming makes us feel amazing? A dream is a small stride over our desires; it gives you more than something to go for in life We all need a bit more in our lives. A bit more fun, adventure, experience, education, money, childhood, family, luxury, name it. We all need a few our dreams to finish every day and have expectations for tomorrow.

6. Dreaming shapes your future
You can anticipate your future by creating it, we all do. Most individuals who succeed, don't do so coincidentally, they were all dreamers that did not stop dreaming. They were all thinking about their dreams for many years. Eleanor Roosevelt has always said: " The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

7. Dreams bring out the best in all of us
Were you dreaming of becoming a space explorer and you turned into a pilot, or you dreamed of being a psychologist and you turned out to be a minder? Did you dream of becoming a scientist and you turned out a technician?  Regardless of the possibility and the place you are right now, dreams do not come true just like that. Dreams are like butterflies. It takes a process to become a beautiful butterfly. If a butterfly misses any of the phases of her development, she might end up not being beautiful, or not well formed. So are dreams and success. They take a time to nurture, experience to mature and opportunities to blossom. I dreamt of becoming a cartoonist when I was younger, never knew I'd become a writer and columnist. Don't despise your dreams, dream more; it will inspire and motivate you to be whom you are expected to be.

8. Watch out for other dreamers as you make your way
When you have faith in your dreams, then your energy and certainty will pull in other dreamers around you. It works like a magnetic field. You will meet different dreamers and achievers who will give you the consolation that you have to keep your dream alive because it will birth theirs, encourage it or sustain it. Dreams are interwoven like a wig.

Dreams shape our future

9. I have no regrets in my dreams: I am euphoric
If you do not nurture and pursue your dreams and push it aside, you might regret it when others that you shared your dreams together begin to achieve their dreams and it is showing off like trophies. You will regret that you did not take the opportunity that was to birth the dream and give it its life. You will regret that you wasted the opportunity of your dream and you cannot get it back. That is the reason why you may regret. But, if you do all you need to do when you ought to do, your dreams will see the light of day and sparkle your life.

10. Live once and live it to full
Many men of wisdom have repeatedly said that you have just one life so, make it count. True. When you live the life of a dreamer, that one life is more than enough. You live more than one life as you move and grow. Dreams add brilliance and value to our individual lives. I am grateful to have dreams. What about you? If you are, save someone's dreams and share with them just as I have shared with you. Times are hard and dreams are dying by the day.

Remember: Change is good if you challenge your limits to do more and be more. You can do it! We can all do it! Dare to start today!

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