7 Expectations I choose to avoid
our expectations determine our immediate reality. Whether it is related to your
dreams, goals, passions or motivation;
if you do not believe in yourself
concerning something, you won't succeed in it. Your thoughts become things
around you.
research have shown that many people that firmly believe in themselves have
access to more metacognitive functions than their counterparts who don't. This
implies that those who believe in themselves use more of their brain cells
hence; they exhibit higher brainpower towards solving problems and resolving
situations. Metacognition helps people to tackle problems from various angles
to get the most appropriate solution needed for a particular situation.
thing worthy to note about your expectations is that they stand to impact
people around you. Several kinds of research have proven this to be true as
well: your beliefs influences other people's behavior around you. Imagine kids
(randomly picked) in a class that are constantly told that they are smart by
the teacher, increasing their performances unimaginably, within the classroom
and outside the classroom.
when we believe in people, we get the best out of them as regards to our set
goals. There are numerous examples to prove these facts. For instance, when we
believe in people, we tend to do some or all of the following: treat them
better without expecting them to fail, expose them to greater opportunities for
them to succeed, we give them better information and invest time in them by
teaching them appropriately.
The Nocebo Effect
is a medical term. When you let your doubts cloud your belief in a goal or
someone, it helps and encourages them towards failure. This is very common in
the medical field with patients and their recovery. Most patients with low
expectations for treatments tend to produce oddly poor results than what those
who believe and expect success.
Your expectation is your
expectations are what shape your reality. It affects your life positively or
negatively, physically, mentally and emotionally. So, be aware of your
expectations at all times, for positive expectations bring about positive
realities while negative ones bring negativity: to you and everything and
everyone around you.
Here are 7 expectations I
choose to avoid.
#1. Life should be fair to you.
us expects life to be fair despite we have heard and told that life is not fair
at all. It is deep into some of our subconscious and tends to make us believe
that unfairness in our life will somehow be balanced out - if when we are not
ready to do something about it. Many are stuck in this mindset, and it has not
helped them at all.
Action steps: Change
this mindset and your expectations at large. Learn to take action to make a
difference for your goals and yourself.
#2. Opportunities should fall
into your lap.
many people are not ready to stick their necks out seeking opportunities, they
just want every opportunity to fall into their laps just like that. Life does
not work like that; you have to make opportunities happen for you. There is
always a hard work behind any opportunity no matter how big or small the
opportunity. Leaving things to happenstance will not allow you achieve your
goals and purpose in life
Action steps: Do not
limit yourself to the things that are made to happen around you. Set a goal to
make things happen for yourself and you will have more opportunities come
around you. Work to create possibilities and let it benefit others.
#3. Everyone should like you.
you expect people around you to like you, you stand to end up frustrated,
depressed and hurt. I used to have this challenge. I was expecting people to
like me hence; I assume a whole lot of things, made demands, and requests at
will and I almost always end up in a mess, entangled in my emotions and
perception of others, or feeling humiliated. It took me a while to get the hang
of what I am telling you now.
Action steps: Learn
to understand how other people think and feel as well as how they react to
situations around them. This will enable you to know more how to manage and
relate to them, how much they like and accept you, and their preferences toward
you. Do not take shortcuts and focus on earning their respect and trust first.
#4. People should know what you
are thinking.
common mistake we all make is leaving out relevant information when providing a
context and giving instructions. People around you cannot decipher what you are
thinking - they cannot read other people's mind. Stop expecting people working
with you to know what you are saying just like that without you giving them
details and further explanation. Communication is not sufficient if it is not
clear and people will not understand you if you are not communicating clearly
Action steps: Take
time out to always ensure that people around you understand you and what you
are saying to them. Take a few more time to explain to them, and it will save
you a lot more than you can imagine. Create the chance to understand people's
perspective for them to understand yours.
#5. People should always agree
with you.
people always to agree with you can be a tough call. Of course, you know what
you are telling them, and you are ready to back it with facts and figures but,
life does not work like that. People are entitled to their opinions and what
they want to accept or reject. It will shock you to know that the things that
are obvious to you are not so to many other people. We all live in different
seasons of life, and it directly influences our thoughts, expectations, and acceptance.
Our daily goals are different, our agendas are different, our problems are
different and the information we all seek per time is different.
Action steps: Focus on ways to help other people get solutions to
their needs and challenges. When you are on a similar page with them, and they
feel your connection, they will agree with you than less.
#6. Things that will happen
will make you happy.
are too many people on the face of the earth are have tied their happiness to
some event or future they do not have control over to make them happy. They
have trained their minds to rest their happiness on wishes and events instead
of crucially seeking their happiness or the source of their unhappiness. I am
sorry but, if you are in this category, you cannot live like this forever. You
cannot tie your happiness to strings of events and be happy - no external event
or happening can make you truly happy. True happiness is from the inside.
Action steps: Take
time out to fix what is going on inside of you, that is where your happiness
lies. Learn how I meditate and meditate about your happiness. It is to you but,
you must fetch it out like water from beneath the surface of the earth. It is a
little to your mood, and you must find it where it is inside of you. Nobody can
help you on this one.
#7. You can change someone.
this world, there is only one person you have the ability to change - YOU!
Change takes time and consistent effort to see it for yourself when you are
working to improve Hence; it is tough to change other people. You cannot change
anyone who does not want to change - change is inside out. You must change
inside before it reflects on you. Many people try to change others without
realizing this simple fact - it will yield no futile result except the person
or people decide to change. This is a very faulty expectation that makes people
lose focus and brings them down if they are not careful.
Action steps: Change
does not happen like that so, stop wasting time and energy on people who do not
wish to change. Tell them the right way and show them if you can, allow them to
choose for themselves and leave it at that. You cannot change other people just
as no one can change you. Let go.
Believe in yourself and your
have also held on to the fact that when you believe in yourself and your
actions, your success is more likely to happen than when you take steps that
are not bold. You really need to sieve your expectations on a daily basis and
ensure you only keep the ones that will get you closer to your goals and not
the other way around. You need to let go of some false expectations that will
only get in your way to your success.
How do you now see how people's expectations are
holding them back and away from their dreams, goals, and purpose? Do you know
they can reinvent their expectations to pave the way for them to succeed?
Please, share your thoughts and share on social media to help someone else
learn from this as well.
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