10 Habits of extremely successful entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle that requires staying power because starting a new business is a long-term process with many tough challenges. Many of the best-known entrepreneurs who achieved long-term successes, including Howard Schultz (Starbucks) and Steve Jobs (Apple), shared a common set of attributes and habits.

So if we want to know what makes them successful in order to improve our own companies whether we work for a huge one or our own startup, we need to study them.

Here are the 10 Habits of extremely successful entrepreneurs that everyone should learn.

1. They never gave up, despite some major setbacks
In investor circles, it is often said that the number one cause of startup failures is that the founder gave up too early. Great entrepreneurs will tell you that they may have pivoted many times, down to their last dollar, but have never given up. I look for that same determination in every new founder.

2. Don’t set out to be rich
The best entrepreneurs don’t have making a fortune as their goal, as they start off. Wealth is just (an extremely pleasant) byproduct.

Why not focus on gaining wealth? Well, if your primary objective is to get rich quick, you are bound to cut corners, short-change your customers, and fail to take the time to truly understand what the market needs. And that is true whether you are trying to get your company off the ground, or are introducing a new product or service in order to make this quarter’s numbers.

3. They surround themselves with strong and positive people
They know their strengths and surround themselves with a team whose complementary strengths make for a balanced workplace.

Great entrepreneurs have a habit of selecting associates who are smarter than they are and provide complementary skills. These are not “yes” people, but they always offer a positive perspective, rather than reasons why something can’t be done. The result is that 1+1 equals three or more.

4. They’re intentional
Their actions are aligned with the intention behind their goal. This allows them to avoid being sidetracked along the way. Having a clear and specific intention allows your energy to flow.

5. They play to their strengths
The biggest surprise, when it comes to people, is that the best entrepreneurs find a Yin to their Yang, someone who offsets their weakness and compliments their strengths. This allows them to concentrate on what they do best, leaving the things they are not good at to someone else.

Walt Disney had Roy Disney. Steve Jobs had Steve Wozniak and Orville Wright had Wilbur Wright. Wherever there is great innovation, there is a dreamer and an operator; an “idea man” and someone who turns those ideas into reality.

6. They take notes
Recognizing that they have very full lives, they take notes about anything that is not relevant to the task at hand and they return to it later. This organized focus allows creative multitasking without letting their work become scattered.

7. They like getting feedback
Being in a small percentile of super successful people, they recognize that their brains work differently than other people’s and they go to others for input recognizing that many perspectives are needed.Even if they find more critics than supporters than aren’t dissuaded from an idea once they get started.

8. Entrepreneurs network constantly
You never know where the next fabulous partnership will be formed so networking is part of what they do at every wedding, school ceremony, and business meeting. There is never a wrong time to make the right connection.

9. They ask lots of questions
They are naturally curious about how things work and how others think. Asking questions not only endears them as interested, it also allows them to steer conversations to where it is most useful for them.

10. They work harder and longer than most people
Not only do they put in more hours by habit, they get far more done than others. Yet they are known for their extreme focus on selected critical elements, and their extreme depth of knowledge on key subjects. They consistently embrace a workload that would seem crazy to others.

The entrepreneur's lifestyle is all about vision, working hard, getting things done, and learning from every step, forward or backward.

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