Here is an excerpt a friend shared with me from consistency of purpose. I feel I must share this.

A quick review on the lives and times of heroes and phenomenal men could change the way you look at life. From Moses to Joseph, Jesus Christ to the Disciples, from Alexander the Great to Napoleon Bonaparte, from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr to Nelson Mandela and more. These men had a common factor and similar view in their approach to life's INCIDENCES. They had a common definition for adversity. Some of these views are:

1. Self-sacrificing: They put their lives on the line to accomplish their mission.

2. They believed that Divinity permits their adversity to keep them away from the comfort zone. 

3. They hated conformity, they believed in their ideals. 

4. They believed that, “Adversity makes men think”

5. They knew what makes the difference between the commons and the Great, that is, they worked out strange ideas contrary to popular opinion. 

There’s a voice calling from biographies of these Great people saying, “If you are not willing to die, forget about living.”

Think about these! 

You have Greatness possibilities within you!

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