"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill

In this age of high tech and social media, entrepreneurs who get the most profile are those who create significant companies, or disrupt industries. The Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musks and Jeff Bezos type of entrepreneur are featured as role models and rightly so. People make movies about them, write books about them and teach courses in universities that reference their achievements. I tell you, it is an amazing feat to build companies like these people have done.

However, I am not an advocate or for those that suggest that all entrepreneurs need to emulate these people. We can't all create multi-billion dollar global companies; we cannot all create great sites like facebook, amazon, twitter and so on, we just cannot.

There are literally thousands of small business entrepreneurs developing, running and growing smaller successful enterprises all around the world. These entrepreneurs are actually creating more jobs when put together than the big mega companies, and are often referred to as the engine of any economy.

The challenges of starting any business are significant and these small business entrepreneurs bring incredible value to their economies through their efforts. Therefore it is important that we never undermine the value of what they do, or discourage the average entrepreneur (who is already an extraordinary person) from starting their dream; no matter how small!

In addition to my letter to all new entrepreneurs, here are a few thoughts:

1. Your enterprise needs to bring value to enough people to be sustainable.
2. Your business does not need to be game changing, huge, global or high tech.
3. Your idea could be servicing an underserved niche.
4. Your idea could be bringing a level of service that is valued by just enough people to make it viable.
5. It could be low tech, mid or high tech.
6. It needs to be something you are passionate about.
7. Let your enterprise center on giving value and balance it with growth.
8. The energy, drive, commitment and attitude needed to be an entrepreneur is significant. Don’t be deterred when people who say your idea is not big enough.
9. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur; take the test. BUT there are a lot of people who have been successful at creating their business: follow their cue, believe in yourself and take bold steps.
10. Entrepreneurs make things happen and seldom wait for things to happen.
11. Work super hard and never be afraid to take risks.
You are supposed to be in your high levels so don’t stop. For you to read this article means you desire information to become a better person, succeed at what you do or challenge your status quo. I have a strong conviction that you will succeed and lead your pack, if you keep on and never give up.
Kindly comment your thoughts and share with someone just I have shared with you.

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